Animal husbandry at the highest level
Our company has been founded in 1995 by Károly Kustos. From the beginning our main activities are animal husbandry and research and development on animal health. Our farm in the county of Nógrád is a location of many research projects.
We have been gathering considerable experience in the field of rabbit breeding, poultry farming and researches on animal feeding and vaccination. We mainly focus on involving indigenous species to economy, animal wellfare in agriculture, and development of feeding and animal health.
Our farm is located in Alsótold, Hungary in an area of 20 hectares. The farm can be divided into two separate fields where R&D projects with different biological security levels can be handled according to the wishes of our customers. In our facilities we are able to keep stock in both conventional and SPF houses.
Conventional housing is where animals are kept in conditions like in an intesive farm: pigs in crates, broilers on deep litter, egg-laying hens in battery cages. As the buildings are located in a great distance to each other, and the airspaces within the buildings are separated - it is possible to work with many different species, ages and groups at the same time. Each room has its own lighting, heating and ventilation system that can be controled individually according to our customer's wishes.
SPF animal houses are equipped with black and white dressing rooms and shower, the pavements inside are suitable for higher hygiene conditions. The intensity and duration of light, temperature and ventilation are controled by a fully automated system. The required animal keeping technology can be formed according to any specific examination.
We regularly carry out projects in our SPF and conventional houses to the french company CEVA SANTE Animale SA and its hungarian subsidiary, the CEVA-PHYLAXIA Zrt. Along the collaboration of many years we have been carrying out examination on the species of poultry, rabbit, pig, sheep and goat - thereby playing a role in the development of modern animal health care.
We regularly share R&D projects with the colleagues of Research Centre for Farm Animal Gene Conservation and Association of Hungarian Small Animal Breeders for Gene Conservation, Szent István University in Gödöllő and Állatház Ltd.
We carried out product testing for Pannonia BIO in a project lasting for several months.